Most Woman love handbags and have a variety of them in their closet. A handbag for special occasions, one for vacations, one for a night out with friends and of course one for everyday use. But what makes the perfect everyday handbag? While it all comes down to preference there are many features that most Woman want when selecting the best everyday handbag. Make sure the handbag isn't too heavy before you put items in, this way when you add all your items you aren't having to carry around something super heavy and uncomfortable. Having easy to reach pockets for items like cellphone and keys will make it easy to find your important items quickly. Another feature that is important for many, is having a top zipper closure to make sure items stay secure inside the bag. Make sure the straps are comfortable, whether you like double straps or crossbody straps or single straps make sure they are the right length for your size and liking. If you tend to carry many items in your handbag, find a handbag with many compartments. For example, a hobo bag may not be the best option as it will be harder to find items when needed. Whatever your preferences are for handbags, there are many features to think of when finding the perfect everyday handbag for you. Here are some handbags we have carefully selected for you!