South Santa Rosa Interfaith Ministries is a 501(c)(3) corporation founded in 2000. In 2022 Interfaith assisted over 6,900 individuals with a $622,479.00 economic impact on our community.
Over the past 22 years Interfaith Ministries has continuously assisted under-resourced, under-served citizens of the community with housing, utilities, food, clothing and other emergent needs. For over eleven years, Good Samaritan Clinic (under the umbrella of Interfaith Ministries) has provided free quality medical care, medications and dental care to the uninsured in our community. Both Interfaith Ministries and Good Samaritan Clinic are staffed by volunteer personnel – lay people and professionals. Without the dedication of the more than 198 people who volunteer at Interfaith Ministries and Good Samaritan Clinic, many of our neighbors would not have the basic necessities of life.
Interfaith Ministries is funded by thrift shop sales, individual contributions, churches, and civic organizations. Volunteer staff donated 32,425 hours (dollar value = $1,315,629) in 2015. We have generated $2.2 million in-kind services from various medical entities in the area and provided over $1 million in medications to patients in 2015.
Interfaith Ministries Operates a Thrift Shop, Free Clinic, Food Pantry, and Financial Office.